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Food (waste), Glorious Food (waste)

SWWRF returned to Portland to hold its summer conference, which covered the hot topic ‘Food (waste), Glorious Food (waste)’.

Following the success of last year’s summer conference at the Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy, SWWRF returned to hold its summer conference at the venue on Wednesday 7th June.

The conference contained a diverse range of guest speakers who discussed 'Food (waste), Glorious Food (waste)'. Presentations included national and local schemes from government bodies, local authorities, supermarkets, charities and newly launched food sharing apps about what is being done to save the public, supermarkets and local authorities money by wasting less food.

Guest speakers included WRAP providing insight into initiatives to reduce food waste through the Courtauld 2025 Agreement and the Love Food Hate Waste Campaign. These speakers were complemented by presentations by Sainsbury’s and their ‘Waste Less, Save More’ campaign via skype, schemes run by Devon County Council and a skype presentation about 3 / 4 weekly refuse collections and the part food waste reduction and recycling has to play by Falkirk Council. Local charities Pumpkin Rescue and Community Fridge, Frome discussed how donated food is being redistributed to support those living on the breadline or people looking to make the most of unwanted food. Additionally, OLIO demonstrated how their new app connects people to their neighbours and local shops so food can be donated instead of thrown away.

SWWRF Chair Fiona Tame said ‘I was delighted to be a part of the SWWRF summer conference, which proved to be a success and very informative like it has over recent years.

‘With astronomic amounts of food being wasted in the UK through householders, manufacturing and retailers it was refreshing to find out more about what is being done on national and local levels to stop us all being so wasteful and how this can save the public, supermarkets and local authorities money in these hard economic times, whilst improving our environmental performance.’

She continued: ‘All forum events offer a great opportunity for like-minded people to network, learn more about different aspects of the recycling and waste industry and help develop or initiate new working partnerships in an informal atmosphere.’

If you wish to find out more about the benefits of becoming a SWWRF member or details of our next event please see our membership page and complete the online form.

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