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‘Tools of the Trade – Things to make your waste work life easier!’

For the third successive year the Annual Conference, which took place on 6 June 2018, was held at the Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy.

Delegates heard about a wide range of technological tools designed to improve the efficiency of local authority services, including data analysis tool-kits, data management systems, and innovative equipment systems.

Two different types of waste analysis tool-kit models were demonstrated by representatives from waste consultancies Eunomia and Resource Futures with both tool-kits designed to help clients identify the environmental and cost savings when considering how to implement new schemes.

Enevo promoted their revolutionary sensory technology system that remotely monitors bin capacity thus enabling collection frequency efficiencies, whilst Romaquip provided a hands-on tour around their newest source-separated kerbside collection vehicle model which maximises the range of materials that can be collected at the kerbside.

To help achieve compliance with the new General Data Protection Regulations and dramatically reduce administration, PermiServ outlined their custom built secure Cloud Based Management Portal System designed to manage client permit data. The database theme was continued by Recycleopedia – they explained how their online Directory can be embedded into your website to help residents find out where almost any material can be recycled or reused.

Communications remains an integral part of the waste industry and EnviroComms provided insight into what they are doing to promote key recycling messages and the types of campaigns and community engagement programmes that they have delivered in partnership with local authorities. This was followed by Roadvert who explained the technology they provide when installing vehicle livery for kerbside collection vehicles which then allows key campaign messages to reach the public via their smartphones.

Finally, WYG advised on getting value from recyclables, and the RNLI provided insight into the huge environmental issues that plastic pollution is causing in our oceans and what they are doing to raise the awareness of plastic consumption and litter in coastal areas.

Guest Chair Ian Huntley said “It was pleasing this was another well attended event with a range of excellent guest speakers and networking opportunities for delegates. Picking the event on a sunny day was a nice bonus too”.

The event sponsors were Glasdon, Romaquip, Spedian and Storm UK. The sponsors also provided five minute updates on their services and provided exhibitor stands with friendly staff happy to chat to the SWWRF members in attendance.

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